Sunday, July 28th 

Then Jesus took the loaves and the fish and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated.    John 6:11




                  Starting, July 16th Pastor Connie will be offering The Lutheran Course. 

  • There will be 7 sessions, each lasting approx. 90 min. each
  • Tuesdays 6:00pm – 7:30pm
  •  Beginning July 16th  through Sept. 3rd. 
  •  This course is for Life-long Lutherans, as well as those new to the Lutheran Church
  •  Middle and high school youth and adults welcome to participate
  •  Younger children are welcome to accompany parents, however no nursery attendant will be available
  •  RSVP via CLC website or call church office 770-424-2850
  •  Participants are encouraged to bring a brown bag meal for table fellowship during the course.

Session 1   -       How to Tell the Difference Between the Law and the Gospel

Session 2   -       Five things You Should Know about the Lutheran Reformation

Session 3   -       The Anatomy of a Baptism

Session 4   -       How to Receive Communion

Session 5   -       The Three Most Rebellious Things Jesus Did

Session 6   -      How to Read the Bible

Session 7   -       How to share Your Faith with Someone

(**Note:  Class will not be held on August 6th)

All are welcome, come and learn more about your faith, relax, and have fun and Fellowship!  See the link below to sign-up! It's not too late!

Attention everyone, Sunday July 28th is our Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday.    If you have school age children, be sure they bring their backpack to Church so the Pastor can bless it.  School starts very soon.   




                               HANDBELL CELEBRATION OPEN HOUSE


Again, thank you all for contributing to the handbells. We look forward to celebrating with a Handbell Open House on July 31st at 6:30 PM. Come see and ring the new bells / chimes.  Ring the bell/chime you contributed!  Learn about handbells and how they are made.  Join in fellowship, music and refreshments.


There are open positions in the handbell choir.  You do not have to be able to read music to play; just count to 4 (sometimes only 3). Ringing in the choir is a great talent to give in glory to God and in sharing music with CLC. 

Handbell Ringers can start in 5th grade; your ringers will enhance their musical theory, aptitude and learn a percussion instrument.   If you have an interest, please come to the open house, come to the first rehearsal on Wednesday, August 14th, 6:30 pm and/or text me at the number below. 

Sandi Barrett

Handbell Director



Faith Formation is inviting the congregation to join us for Rally Day on August 4th  after the church service.  We will provide a continental breakfast served by the youth and ask that you please bring stories, memories and lessons that you learned in Sunday School.  We look forward to hearing your words of wisdom.

Our next blood drive will be Friday September 20 from 10AM to 3PM.  That is 72 days from today.  The need for blood donors is critical and patients needing blood cannot wait 72 days until September 20th!  If you are currently eligible, please find a donation site and donate now during this critical time.  PS – If you donate before July 25th, you will be eligible to donate again at the September 20th Christ Lutheran Blood Drive.






